Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Terrific Tuesday

Our Rock Star was Brett today.
Brett enjoys practicing his snowboarding in New Brighton community outside. He takes all of these new skills to the Nakiska ski hill where he snowboards with his family. He loves snowboarding because it is fun. If he falls down he gets back up. Wow, super cool, Rock Star Brett. We loved that you are involved in such a fun activity in your community and city. 
Students enjoyed sharing activities they like to do with their families during our community circle this morning. We enjoyed gym, snack and centers.

This week students will be working their way through 4 learning tables. They are enjoying colouring by number. Students are working to make connections among letters and sounds to identify the appropriate colour for their colour by number picture. Using the rubric of how to make a WOW picture, students are colouring inside the lines, using stated colours, and colouring in one direction with no white showing. Working with a template, students are representing and describing numbers 2 to 10 concretely and pictorially. Kindergarten are representing the number 7 at their number pairs table. Using red and white counters, students are dumping and counting the number of white and red that make 7. Students are working to write their numerals correctly as they record their number pairs. At the writing table, students are drawing and writing. Using their knowledge of sounds and letters, students will write words to give their pictures meaning.

Today we worked on representing the number 7. We used a ten frame, number line, tally marks, number pairs and drawings to show the number 7.


  • tomorrow is the 100th day of school
  • Friday is AM kindergarten

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