Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day

Students loved wearing their pink and red today to celebrate an early Valentine's Day. We enjoyed Valentine patterns; students made two and three element patterns with colour and size. Students enjoyed colour by number; students are working to recognize numerals and use the first letter to sound out the colour word.

Today kinders joined their grade 2 buddy to celebrate being unique. Students completed an activity to get to know their buddy. They found out their buddy's favourite colour, food, activity and their age. Some groups even had time to make their buddy a valentine.

Today students worked on the letter Kk. We are so excited to be finished all of the letters of the alphabet.

We have officially finished learning the letters and sounds of all of the letters in the alphabet. Students should know all of the letters and their sounds. Today I have sent home a mini assessment sheet to let you know the letters and sounds your child knows so you can practice at home where needed. We have been working on numerals and number representation. I have noted your child's ability to represent numbers and their knowledge of numerals on their assessment sheet as well. Take a look and celebrate this new knowledge.

Kindergarten enjoyed their Valentine exchange. Placing Valentine cards into the mailbox of their friends was such a highlight of the day. 


  • no school Thurs. Feb 13-Mon. Feb. 17 (School Resumes Tues. Feb. 18)
  • new Rock Star starts next week

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