Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Terrific Tuesday

Our Rock Star was Phoenix.
Phoenix loves this book because it is about a seed growing into a flower; his favourite part is when the seed gets bigger and bigger. This book was super fun because there were lots of flaps to lift and it ended with a giant pop up flower. We loved this book too, especially when you read lots of the words to us. 

Today students completed the letter Aa for their morning entrance activity. Upon finishing, students were invited to choose from fine motor or pattering activities.

Students enjoyed Phys. Ed, snack and center time.

Kinders continue their work on representing numbers. Today, students worked with number pairs for the number 5. Students dumped a cup of counters onto their table. They counted how many red and how many white. They coloured with corresponding red/white colours onto their template to represent the number pair. Students then wrote the numeral to correspond with each colour of counter. We are working towards writing clear numerals that correspond correctly with the number of counters for both red and white. This activity is coming home in backpacks today-take a look.

** Tomorrow is winter walk day. Students and parents are encouraged to walk to school to promote a healthy lifestyle.

   Why I Love Walking to School in Winter: motivational video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nczoVQL7www&feature=youtu.be&list=PLp_wTsOWU70TvVdf8APCP29YlscLI334E
  • Friday is no school for AM kinders
  • Please send in those shoeboxes
  • Next week is a short one due to Teacher's Convention
  • Valentine's Cards will be shared on Wednesday Feb. 12. Please send 18 into the class with your child addressed, To My Friend
Looking for things to do at home?
  • practice writing numerals 1-5 with paint, glitter glue, finger paint or manipulatives like lego, fishies, beads or cars
  • play a board game and subitize the number on the dice and practice counting
  • review letters and letter sounds
  • write a sentence about a picture you draw
  • read a book and retell it in your own words
  • write a special card to someone you love

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