Monday, February 3, 2020

Marvelous Monday

Our Rock Star today was Kayley.
Kayley loves this book because it helps her fall asleep every night. Her favourite part is when the bees say they love each other. We loved that part too. What a wonderful book to share, Rock Star Kayley. We loved how you were able to read so much of the story to us-way to go, super reader.

Students will be enjoying a change in routine until Teacher's Convention with morning tubs. Students will be working towards completing a letter a day in order to finish our letters and sounds before our break next week. Today we did the letter Xx. Students enjoyed completing a guided drawing of an

We labeled a moose today using first letter sounds to identify words. We learned, nose, hoof, eye and antlers. This week we will be learning about special features of the moose, habitat, and food they eat.

Students worked on representing the number 5 and making number pairs for 5 using different colours. Number pairs for 5 include:

  • 5 and 0
  • 0 and 5
  • 1 and 4
  • 4 and 1
  • 3 and 2
  • 2 and 3
Students selected two new library books which will be coming home today. 

Kinders enjoyed new center bins at center time.

  • no AM kindergarten this Friday
  • please send those shoe boxes in
  • Valentine's Day is coming: please send 18 valentine cards addressed, To My Friend if you wish your child to participate
  • Next week is a short week due to Teacher's Convention

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