Thursday, January 30, 2020

Thrilling Thursday

Our Rock Star was Max.
Max loved sharing his favourite book, Spiderman. He ready many of the pages all by himself-he sure does love this book. His favourite part was when Spider-Man fought the villans. We all loved this part too. What a fabulous book to share, and great reading, Rock Star Max.

Today students completed their final learning table.

Students enjoyed gym, snack and centers.

Today we reviewed the concepts of heavier and lighter by using comparison sentences and justifying our thoughts. For instance, "The fish and cat are lighter than than the house. The house is heavier. I know because I have a cat and I can carry it. I carried a fish home from the pet store in a bag and I could never lift my house." We talked about the idea that just because something is bigger doesn't always mean it is heavier. We explored loose parts and objects from our classroom. We found a rock smaller than a pine cone, but it was heavier. We held objects and made heavier and lighter statements in our circle activity. Students completed an interactive Smart Board activity with scales and objects.

Students reviewed the number pairs for 4 through a Smart Board activity and movement activity.


  • No school tomorrow for all New Brighton students 
  • Please send in a shoe box for an upcoming activity
  • Valentine's Day is fast approaching, please send 18 cards addressed, To My Friend, and your child's name (if you wish to participate)

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