Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Decade Day

Our Rock Star was Ryder. He brought in a super fun book to share.

Ryder loves this book because it is funny. His favourite part is when Pig the Pug bites Santa right on the bum. So funny. We loved listening to this book and Ryder did a fabulous job of reading parts of the story to his classmates. What a great book, Rock Star, Ryder. 

Mrs. Johnston and the Kindergarten Team greeted the students 80s style today. (I do believe they thought I was crazy-haha!)

Today students continued with their learning tables, enjoyed music, snack and centers.

Students reviewed the animals we have studied so far: bear, hare, owl and porcupine. We reviewed labels, food, habitat and special features of the animals before students were asked to choose one. After making their selection, students were asked to draw, label and write about their animal. Using their knowledge of sound/letter relationships and accessing environmental print helped everyone meet with success. WOW.


  • Friday is no school for New Brighton students
  • Valentine's Day is coming: if you wish to participate please send 18 cards addressed, "To my friend" and your child's name

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