Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Terrific Tuesday

Our Rock Star was Olivia. Yesterday was also her 6th Birthday.

Olivia shared the book, Hey Grandude. What a fun book. We used our imaginations and enjoyed the magic compass that took the family away to fun places. Olivia likes this book because she reads it every day. Her favourite part is when they are sitting around feeling bored and grumpy. Sounds like Grandude had lots of good ideas. How fun. Thanks for sharing and helping to read this magnificent book, Rock Star Olivia.

Students continued their learning tables this morning. 

This week we have been learning about the porcupine. We learned they are a giant rodent. They have long teeth and need to chew hard things to keep them at a good length. They eat berries, leaves, bark and roots. Porcupines live in forests, near trees, in rocky areas and in logs. Their special feature is their quills. They use these to protect themselves. They are nocturnal, just like an owl. 

Students enjoyed target games in Phys. Ed, snack and center time. 

  • Tomorrow is dress like your favourite decade. Kindergarten teachers are dressing up like the 80s. Students are welcome to do that or if it's too hard, choosing their favourite colour to wear is perfect. 
  • No school on Friday for New Brighton students.

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