Monday, January 27, 2020

Marvelous Monday

Our Rock Star today was Liam.
Liam loves his Pete the Cat book. He got it from his Mom and Dad. He loves reading it. His favourite part is when Pete the Cat dresses up silly. The class loved the book. Liam read many phrases from the book. How fun. Thanks for sharing, Rock Star Liam. 

Students enjoyed the community circle today-talking about how we were feeling today and what we did on the weekend.

Students began their new learning tables today and will work throughout the week to complete each one. Students will work with the letter Ww. They are identifying Ww words and drawing and writing their ideas. We have been working on shape and space to compare items that are heavier and lighter. The task this week is to identify two objects that are lighter and heavier and place them appropriately on the scale. Students will then conference with their teacher to justify their thinking. Look in backpacks for this learning task. We are continuing to practice numeral identification and colour words through our colour by number. This week students are colouring a fox. We have been learning about animals, their habitats, food they eat, and special features. This week we are learning about the porcupine. Students will be using initial sounds in words to label a porcupine.

Students have been working on representing numbers. Today we learned about the number four. Students wrote the numeral and the word. They represented using fingers, number line, tally marks, and the ten frame. Students worked in a learning circle to represent the number 4 with number pairs. We used blocks, songs, and pictures to practice. Ask you child about the number pairs for 4. They are: 4 & 0, 0 & 4, 3 & 1, 1 & 3, and 2 & 2.


  • Wednesday is Dress like your favourite decade (being that kindergarten are only 5, we are encouraging them to wear their favourite colour if they prefer
  • Friday is no school for all New Brighton students

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