Thursday, February 20, 2020

Sometimes I Feel Like A Fox

Our Rock Star was Carlos. He enjoyed sharing how he is a part of his community. He enjoys skating at the New Brighton outdoor rink.
Carlos brought in his skates to share with the class; his green laces were a real hit. Wow, Carlos, looks like you're an awesome skater. We love that you always get up when you fall down. Sounds like fun skating with your mom and Hugo. Thanks for sharing, Rock Star Carlos. 

Save the date (we have a field trip in May....yes, preparing you early. We will need 4 parent volunteers with police clearance and completed paper work for this day. Please email if you are interested in volunteering, we can only take 4 per class. Please note that AM kindergarten will go to Telus Spark on Thursday May 21 all day; no school for AM on May 20)

Students settled into their learning today by completing their 3rd learning table. Counting, representing, writing and sharing learning was a wonderful start to the day.

Today we listened to the story, Sometimes I Feel Like A Fox. Students have been learning about animals and today we enjoyed identifying with animals based on certain characteristics. After sharing the animal they sometimes feel like, students worked on a torn paper art piece to transform their picture into the animal they identified with. Some students will work to complete theirs tomorrow-there is a lot of paper to be torn and glued.

Carlos: Sometimes I feel like a quick like a rabbit when I am playing soccer and running so fast.

Phoenix: Sometimes I feel like a rabbit when I am at soccer.

Ryder: Sometimes I feel quick like a rabbit when I am playing with my sisters.

Scarlett: Sometimes I feel like rabbit when I am walking with my mom.

Owen: Sometimes I feel sneaky like a fox when I am sneaking on my brother.

Sydney: Sometimes I feel sneaky like a fox when I spook my sister Sansa.

Mya: Sometimes I feel free and happy like butterfly when I shovel with my Mommy.

Ethan: Sometimes I feel like an owl when I am playing with my friends.

Kayley: Sometimes I feel happy like a butterfly when I am free like when I made a birthday card at nap time.

Zach: Sometimes I feel happy like a butterfly when I am free in the fresh air playing without my brother.

Harriet: Sometimes I feel like a beaver when I am so busy eating breakfast.

Olivia: Sometimes I feel like a beaver so busy helping my mom make dinner.

Griffin: Sometimes I feel so busy like a beaver because I am so busy cleaning the whole house.

Ivy: Sometimes I feel sensitive and kind like a deer when I play with my sister.

Liam: Sometimes I feel like a beaver when I am busy. I was so busy cleaning my room and I was busy making my bed.

  • tomorrow is Friday-AM kindergarten attends - can't wait
  • next week is pink shirt day-get your shirts ready

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