Friday, February 21, 2020

Fabulous Friday

Our Rock Star was Harriet. She participates in gymnastics in her community. She loves to swing on the bars like a monkey. She never gets scared or feels nervous-she just loves it.
Harriet shared photos, a certificate of recognition and her gymnastics outfit. Wow, we loved seeing all of your amazing swings and balances, Harriet. It is so wonderful to see your friends with you outside of school. We are so proud of your gymnastic success. Way to go, Rock Star Harriet. 

Today kinders completed their final learning table. They each had the opportunity to represent numbers, look at beginning sounds and do some journal writing.

Students enjoyed reviewing the different animals we have studied. We reviewed habitat, food, characteristics and interesting facts. Students chose an animal for their final project and created their habitat diorama in the shoe box (yes, THE shoeboxes we have been collecting).  They used special techniques to make 3D trees, rocks, water, mountains and other items that would be found in their animal's habitat.  WOW, they are coming along nicely.

We enjoyed a fresh air break, snack time and an alphabet review.

Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend.

Upcoming events:

  • save the date: May 21, 2020: Field trip all day (May 20, 2020: No school for AM)
  • no school next Friday
  • Pink shirt day next week

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