Monday, February 24, 2020

Marvelous Monday

 Today our Rock Star was Decklan. He likes to play soccer in his community. 

Decklan played soccer last summer and hopes to play again this year. He shared some photos and his soccer ball with the class. Students liked his photos and his soccer t-shirt. Some of Decklan's friends play soccer too. Wow, you look like you're running pretty fast in that photo, Rock Star Decklan. We love that you are a part of your community.

Our friend Liam turned 6 this weekend. So exciting. Happy Belated Birthday, Liam.

Students enjoyed a community circle today. After sharing any news, exciting events or feelings, we talked about citizenship in learning. We talked about respect and what that means and what actions show respect. We talked about respecting differences within our classroom and school. What does that look like? How do we show kindness, help others, work together and be leaders. Students had some wonderful ideas and we are getting ready to show citizenship and kindness all week-especially leading up to Pink Shirt Day on Wednesday.

Students began their first day of new, but familiar learning tables. Students will be representing and describing numbers 2 to 10 concretely and pictorially, relating a numeral, 1 to 10,  to its respective quantity, and make connections between sounds, letters and words.

We worked on representing the number 8 today. Students wrote the numeral and the word. We represented the number pairs using counters and an interactive Smart Board activity. Students represented the number 8 using a ten frame, number line, pictures, tally marks and number pair pictures.


  • this Wednesday is Pink Shirt Day (we will be focusing on Citizenship in Learning and kindess)
  • this Friday is no school for all New Brighton students

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