Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Exciting Exploration and Experimenting

Our Rock Star was Ivy today. She loves to act, sing and dance outside her community.
Ivy shared her special recording book of her community sing/act/dance company-step up. She loves singing. Ivy has been doing this activity for a long time. Wow, we loved seeing your recognition stamps and hearing about how you move on the stage. Thanks for sharing, Rock Star Ivy.
Reminder that tomorrow is Pink Shirt Day: we will be focusing on kindness, supporting
Students enjoyed settling into their learning at their learning tables today.

After gym, students continued to investigate and describe living things, objects and events. We reviewed the variety of homes that animals live in-logs, trees, caves, holes etc. After reviewing the characteristics of animals, students experimented with clay to build their animal. When placing their completed animal into their habitat, students were mindful to think about where the animal would be located and what activity it would be doing. Wow, kindergarten-amazing work. We have owls eating bugs, bears eating fish, hares eating grass...oh my...




Students will continue to add to their diorama habitats throughout the week. Next week we will be compiling information about our selected animals to make an informational book.

Check out these clay animals:






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