Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Our Rock Star today was Ethan. He shared that he plays baseball in the community.
Ethan brought in a photo of himself all dressed up in his baseball uniform. He played on the Pirates team. He wears white pants and a baseball hat. When he bats he wears a special helmet. Ethan loves catching and throwing. His favourite part of baseball is hitting the ball. Whoa, very cool, Rock Star Ethan. GO PIRATES.

Students enjoyed their learning tables.

Pink Shirt success. Thanks to everyone who wore their pink today and to everyone for sharing their ideas on kindness:

Today is Pink Shirt Day. We shared ideas about what kindness means:

  • Sharing (Brett)
  • Helping people (Owen)
  • Caring (Ryder)
  • Loving Someone (Ethan)
  • Make sure someone is okay if they get hurt (Zach)
  • Help people (Scarlett)
  • Make sure no on is hurt (Harriet)
  • Help someone carry something (Kayley)
We shared time that we have shown kindness:
  • Cleaning up to help my sister (Olivia)
  • By helping my brother in the garage, I get him tools (Brett)
  • When someone needs help at First Class, I help them feel better (Zach)
  • I hug someone if they are sad (Ethan)
  • I help my sister when she was sad because she got hurt (Kayley)
  • When my brother got hurst I helped him and I made him feel better (Griffin)
Students had the opportunity to draw and write about a time they have shown kindness. Students were encouraged to first draw a detailed picture and then add labels, words or sentences to describe their picture. Wow, kindergarten-there was some incredible work out there today. 

  • no school for New Brighton students on Friday

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