Thursday, February 6, 2020

Our Rock Star today was Owen.
Owen loved sharing his favourite book with the class. He loves this book because the pages are so colourful and fun to look at. Owen's favourite part is when the bear gets to bring the bunny home. We absolutely loved this story and we were so excited when the bear found the owner of the bunny. Thanks for sharing this awesome book, Rock Star Owen.
Today students learned about the marvelous letter Mm. We learned our new phrases, actions an songs. As you know, we have had a busy letter week: we have learned the letters: Xx, Aa, Nn and Mm.

Students enjoyed gym, snack and centers.

Today students were asked to choose their favourite animal we have researched and draw a picture with labels, words and sentences. Students are learning to apply sound/letter relationships to make words and to label pictures. Some students are beginning to write multiple sounds in words and even starting to form a sentence. Incredible effort and progress in Room 135 today. Way to go, kinders.


  • Tomorrow is no school for AM kindergarten 
  • Next week there is school Mon/Tues/Wed. only: none Thurs/Fri
  • Wednesday is pink/red day and Valentine's Celebration: please send in 18 cards addressed, To My Friend, if you wish to exchange
  • Next Wednesday is 11:45am dismissal
  • No School Thurs. Feb. 13-Mon. Feb. 17: Classes resume Tues. Feb. 18

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