Monday, February 10, 2020

Marvelous Monday

Happy Birthday to our Friend, Phoenix. He turned 5 years old today.

Students enjoyed sharing their weekend events and favourite activities in the community during our sharing circle. This gets us all ready for our next round of Rock Star. Please see the new list and be sure to mark down your child's special date. This time, students will share something they do in their community. This might include a sport, activity or something organized or it may include walking or bike riding on the paths with their family. We are focusing on how we belong to our community.

Students worked on the letter Zz today. 

We enjoyed representing the number 6 today. During a circle activity, students made number pairs for 6 using two sided counters. Students were then challenged to record as many ways to make 6 as they could using their counters and a recording template. This came home in backpacks today, take a look and see. 

  • Wednesday is Valentine exchange: send 18 cards in addressed, To My Friend with your child's name signed (if you choose to participate)
  • Wednesday is pink/red day: wear Valentine colours
  • Wednesday is 11:45am dismissal
  • No school Thurs/Fri or Mon: school resumes Tues. Feb.18

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