Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Terrific Tuesday

Our Rock Star today was Sydney.

Sydney shared her favourite book which was all about animals. She loves reading this book with her Dad and learning all about mammals and special features of animals (her words, not mine-wow). Her favourite part is the blue whale because it is SO big. We learned that the tongue of this whale weighs more than a hippo and their mouth can hold the same amount of water as 400 bathtubs. We learned that the blue whale is heavier than all of us put together. 
Today students continued with their learning tables.

Students enjoyed Phys. Ed, snack and centers.

We have been working on using direct comparison to compare two objects based on a single attribute. We continue to use longer, shorter and taller. We have been learning about heavier and lighter. Today we brainstormed things that might be heaver or lighter than us.


  • Zach: A house is heavier than me. 
  • Carlos: An airplane is heavier than me.
  • Scarlett: A car is heavier than me.
  • Liam: A big gorilla is heavier than me.
  • Brett: A desk is heavier than me.
  • Olivia: The table is heavier than us. 
  • Ivy: A couch is heavier than me. 
  • Sydney: A TV is heavier than me.
  • Ivy:  A marker is lighter than me. 
  • Kayley: A pencil is lighter than me.
  • Griffin: A baby gorilla is lighter than me.
  • Carlos: A mitten is lighter than me.
  • Sydney: A mouse is lighter than me.
  • Olivia: A chair is lighter than me.
  • Ryder: A candy is lighter than me.
  • Zach: Shoes are lighter than me.
  • Brett: A book is lighter than me.

Students completed a close activity printing heavier and lighter in a sentence. They chose an object to draw that represented both heavier and lighter than themselves. Students compared themselves using sentences and telling about whether or not they could carry this item: why or why not? 

  • Friday is AM kindergarten
  • Friday is winter walk/outside time: please dress for the weather
  • Please send in a shoe box for your child for an upcoming activity

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