Monday, January 20, 2020

Ethan loved sharing his Triceratops books with the class today. He loves this book because he loves dinosaurs. Ethan loves the part with the T-Rex. When we read the book to the class Ethan shared many words and helped read too. Wow, what a fun boo, Rock Star Ethan. 
Our Rock Star today was Ethan.

Our friend, Kayley, turned 6 years old on Friday, January 17. Happy Birthday, Kayley.

Today students began their new learning tables. Throughout the week students will be working to learn the letter Dd. Students will learn to form the letter from top to bottom and make the letter sound. Drawing letter Dd pictures and labeling helps to begin the writing process. As a class we continue to practice our songs, rhymes and actions for letters in the alphabet. We are exploring concepts in Shape and Space. Students are learning about heavy and light. Using loose parts and scales, students are exploring mass. Which is heavier? Which is lighter? How do you know? We are continuing to work on number recognition, reading words using first letter sounds and working on colouring rules. These skills are the focus at our colour by number animals table. This week we are learning about the hare. Students are working on labeling a hare at their writing table. Writing labels and reading words using dominant letter sounds is their focus. Way to go, Kinders.

Today students had a visit to the library. Just a reminder that we do go to the library each Monday, so sending your child's books back when they are done allows them to choose two new ones-which they love.

Students have been working on drawing and labeling. Today students completed an assessment based on their ability to draw and label a winter scene. Students had access to learning tools that included picture/word cards, environmental print and alphabet charts. Students were asked to draw a winter scene and label using winter words and to attempt a sentence. Using our rubric, I was able to assess their drawing. Please see the completed work and rubric in your child's backpack today.


  • Friday is AM kindergarten: we will be doing a wonder walk-please dress for the weather
  • Please send a shoe box into school for a special project

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