Monday, January 13, 2020


Happy Monday!!! Last week was pajama day-I forgot to post the photo. What a great day.

Our Rock Star was Carlos. He was excited to share his book,  Scaredy Squirrel.
Carlos got this book at McDonalds and has enjoyed reading it ever since. According to Carlos, it is fun and interesting. Great, thanks for sharing, Rock Star Carlos. 
Today students began their new learning tables. This week students will work on the letter Rr, subitize and place the dice value on a ten frame, recognize numerals and colour words and label an owl. 

Today we reviewed the bear. We recited our poem, reviewed bear facts and wrote a sentence about what bears like using the sentence starter, Bears like ________. Students were encouraged to use their knowledge of letters and sounds to write a word about what bears like and draw a picture.

We visited the library today. Please send the two books back to school after sharing them at home.


  • no school for AM kindergarten on Friday
  • please send in a shoe box for an upcoming activity
  • dress for the weather

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