Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Terrific Tuesday

Our Rock Star was Harriet.

Harriet shared her favourite book, Stick Man. What a hit. Students loved hearing about the adventure of this poor little stick man. Harriet read along and knew many words in the story. We shared many of our favourite parts of the story, some of which were Harriet's favourite too. Great book, Rock Star Harriet. 
Students continued their learning tables: label an owl, letter Rr, ten frame and subitize and number recognition.

Today students enjoyed gym, snack and centers.

We represented the #2 today. Students used white boards and snap cubes to write the number pairs for 2. That would be 2 & 0, 0 & 2, 1 & 1. Students practiced writing the numeral correctly, and representing the number 2 using tally marks, a number line, hands, and a ten frame.

  • no AM kindergarten this Friday: PM only
  • please send a shoe box with your child for an upcoming activity
  • Jan. 31: no school for New Brighton Students (Non-Instructional Day)

Family Travel Survey: Please fill out this quick survey in Survey Monkey so that we can help to understand how the majority of families currently travel to-and-from school: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/K6TYN3B
 . The survey will be open for the rest of the month of January.

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