Thursday, January 9, 2020

Bears Bears Everywhere

Our Rock Star today was Griffin.
Griffin shared his very favourite book, and who doesn't love hockey? Well, Griffin did a most incredible job of talking all about his book an reading along and reading by himself!! Wow, what a great book. we learned that sports are lots of fun and we should always try our best. We learned that even when we don't win it can be disappointing but as long as we try our best that is all that matters. Thanks, Rock Star, Griffin.
Students enjoyed watching a video and viewing a Power Point on bears. We learned all of the parts of the bear and labeled a diagram of a bear. Students collected data on a bear in a t-chart in their visual journals. They drew a bear, mountains and forests for their habitat, food (fish, berries and roots) and drew a sleeping bear in a den as hibernation is an interesting fact. Wow, who knew bears were so interesting.

What do you find interesting about bears:


Students are working on juggling in gym. Wowzers, kindergarten, you are amazing. 

  • tomorrow is AM kindergarten
  • tomorrow is Pajama Day (wear your favourite PJs)
  • tomorrow we are visiting our winter tree and playing outside-please send your child with appropriate winter clothing
  • please send a shoe box to school with your child for an upcoming project

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