Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Our Rock Star today was Griffin.
Griffin is Canadian and speaks English at home with his Mom, Dad and brother, Angus. He was named by his Mom and Dad because they liked the name, Griffin. His favourite family tradition is going to Silverwood and staying at a hotel. 
Our Rock Star yesterday was Harriet.
Harriet shared two flags, Canada and England-Wow, that is really special. She lives at home with her Mom, Dad, brother and dog. She was name by her parents. Did you know that 'Harriet' means ruler of the home. That is very cool. Harriet loves to bake with her family. 

Today kindergarten worked on patterns, subitizing, copying environmental print and labeling at their learning tables.

We have been working on a winter theme and the snowman popped up of an area of interest. Who doesn't love a snowman? Today students put together their snowman by cutting and pasting. They used environmental print to label the parts of their snowman.


  • Thursday night is Warm Feet on the Street (6pm)
  • Friday is no school for AM kindergarten

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