Monday, December 2, 2019

Our Rock Star today was Ivy.
Ivy is Canadian and did an excellent job of adding colour to her flag. She speaks English at home with her Mom, Dad and sister, Elise. She was named after her Great Grandpa Ivan and Grandma Kay. Her favourite family tradition is to decorate Easter eggs and go on an Easter egg hunt at Easter time. Wow, amazing. Sounds like a fabulous family, Rock Star Ivy.
Students enjoyed sharing their feelings today. Happy, and excited were our main ones today. It was great to hear about the weekend activities and the upcoming events in the lives of our Kindergarten friends. Students enjoyed library; next Monday we will be going again so ensure your child has their books returned so they can sign out 2 new ones.

Kinders began their learning tables for the week today. Making a festive string of patterned lights with Q-tips and paint is a great way to continue our work with patterns while enjoying the festive season. Labeling parts of snowman using a guide is a great way to write environmental print, work on letter formation and practice first letter sounds. Roll a snowman is more practice with subitizing. Students roll the dice, identify the number quickly without counting dots and place a glass bead on the corresponding numeral. At our writing table, students are practicing writing winter words to label their pictures. Way to go, Rock Stars.






Today we practiced the letter Ss. Students shared ideas about this letter and practiced the letter rhyme and jolly phonics song.

After Mrs. Johnston drew a winter picture, students offered suggestions on how to make it even better. We are working to add background details, and now the challenge is to add letter sounds to describe our drawings. Students were encouraged to sound out words in their picture and write the initial letter sound beside the item. When sharing with Mrs. Johnston they shared their letters and described their pictures.


  • Thursday night is Warm Feet on the Street (6pm)
  • Friday is no school for AM kindergarten

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