Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Our Rock Star today was Brett.
Brett is Canadian and speaks English with his mom, dad, brother and two sisters. He was named after his mom because Brett was here maiden name-hey, that is really neat. What a great idea. Brett's favourite family tradition is to break gingerbread houses with a heavy object. Sounds like a fabulous family, Brett. 

Students enjoyed their learning tables today. These 3 and 4 element patterns are exceptional. The drawing and writing is incredible. The counting and comparing is amazing.



What an exciting day today. Students drew a festive tree on white boards. We compared drawings to other students' in the class and made comparison sentences including the words, taller and shorter. When asked to justify their statements, students learned that snap cubes, counting and numbers can be helpful. Students connected snap cubes represent the height of their tree. They made a tower and used it to compare with their friends.

Students listened to the story Snowmen At Night. They put their drawing skills to the test to create a snowman at night of their own. Some added noses and faces while others chose not to. Many added scarves and hats. They look incredible!

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