Monday, December 9, 2019

Marvelous Monday

Our Rock Star today was Decklan.
Decklan is from Canada and speaks English at
home with his mom, dad and sister, Summer. He was named
because his mom and dad liked that name. He loves to go on
vacations with his family. A fun tradition on vacations is swimming and going on waterslides with his dad. Wow, what a fabulous family, Decklan.
Today students shared in a community circle. We shared our feelings and things we have been busy doing on the weekend.

Students began their new learning tables today and will continue work throughout the week. This week students are measuring items and using the words taller and shorter to compare them. They are building blocks, comparing height and using statements to justify their thinking. We have been watching our pumpkin seeds grow. Students worked on sequencing today using the words first, next and last. Students are observing their growing pumpkin seed and recordeding their observations using labels. We are continuing our patterning work and are focusing on 3 element patterns. Students are working to draw and label winter items.

Today kindergarten experienced their first fire drill. They stopped what they were doing, lined up quickly and quietly. We all left the school safely and met in the field to do attendance. Students learned the most important thing to do when we hear a fire drill, no matter where they are, is to get out quickly.

New library books are on their way home. Enjoy the books and send them back with your child whenever they are finished.

Students focused on the letter Jj for alphabet work this week. Letter formation, making the letter sound and identifying words that begin with the /j/ sound would be a great activity for a car ride.

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