Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Prediction Time

Rock Star of the day was OLIVIA.
Olivia is Canadian and her Dad's origin has a special flag too. She speaks English with her family of 5. She lives with her Mom, Dad and two sisters. Her Great Grandma named her. Her favourite family tradition is going sledding. 
Today students continued with their learning tables upon entering the classroom. At this time of the year students have settled into our routine of taking off outdoor shoes, hanging coats and backpacks, putting on indoor shoes and going to their learning tables.

Students put their thinking to the test today. We looked at the covers of various books and talked about what they might be about based on the pictures on the cover. Then we looked at the cover of, This is Not a Box. Students made predictions about what the bunny might do with the box:

  • He is making a rocketship (Owen)
  • He is going to relax (Zach)
  • He is making it into a house and he can cut a door (Griffin)
  • He is going to make a firetruck (Ethan)
  • He is going to sleep (Liam)
  • He is going to make a police car (Brett)
Students were asked to draw and record their predictions using pictures and letters to label their ideas. What an incredible job of using letters to label their pictures. Such wonderful creativity. We will read the book tomorrow and put our imaginations to the test. 
Great predictions for our book, This is NOT a Box.

  • Tomorrow is jersey day. Students are invited to wear their favourite jersey or sports t-shirt.
  • Friday is no school for New Brighton.
  • Scholastic Book Orders due tomorrow.
  • Food Impact permission form and payment due Friday, please. 

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