Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Our Rock Star was Owen.
Owen family is Canadian and they speak English at home. Owen lives with three siblings, two sisters and a brother, and his Mom and Dad. His Mom and Dad liked his name and decided to name him, Owen. Owen's favourite tradition is going for ice cream. What a fun family, Owen.

Thursday's Rock Star was Ryder.
Ryder is from Canada and lives with his Mom, Dad and two sisters. His Mom and Dad spoke about what to name him and they decided on, Ryder. His favourite family tradition is going on the roller coaster at Calaway Park. Whoa, very cool, Ryder.
Kindergarten began with an continuation of our learning tables. Students are getting very quick with their subitizing skills and sorting. What a great way to start such a snowy day.  .                                            

The letter Qq went pretty quick with students quietly questioning Queen Johnston's queries. Haha..students are working so hard on letter sounds and proper letter formation. It was great to see the excellent drawings and labeling today. Way to go, kinders.
Liam, Ethan, Scarlett and Owen share their letter Qq work.

Letter Qq work.


  • we will wear BLUE tomorrow to celebrate National Child Day
  • Thursday is Jersey Day: wear your favourite jersey to school
  • please send the Food Impact permission form and payment this week
  • Scholastic orders are due tomorrow, please
  • no school Friday for New Brighton students

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