Thursday, November 21, 2019

Not A Box

Our Rock Star was Sydney.
Sydney shared her Canadian flag. He lives with her Mom, Dad, and sister, Sanza. Her Great Great Grandfather named her. Sydney loves to eat ice cream and celebrate with her family. Amazing, Rock Star Sydney.
Students put their thinking caps on today. After sharing the story, This is Not a Box, students cut our their own box and used their imagination to turn it into something new. The ideas were wonderful. We spoke about how important background details are in this activity so people who look at the picture know where it is and what is happening. 

This is NOT NOT NOT A BOX. It's a:

  • Firetruck (Ethan)
  • Princess (Ivy)
  • Christmas Tree (Zach)
  • Crown (Brett)
  • Rocketship (Owen)
  • Foam Pit (Scarlett)
  • Airplane (Phoenix)
  • Bulldozer (Kayley)
  • Rocket (Ryder)
  • Birdhouse (Sydney)
  • Trampoline (Harriet)
  • Rocket ship (Mya)
  • Trampoline (Griffin)

Students enjoyed their last learning table. 

Hooray for Jersey Day!!!!

  • tomorrow is no school for New Brighton students
  • Tuesday is our food impact snack day (feel free to still send a snack in case your child is still hungry)
  • Warm Feet on the Street has kicked off: New Brighton is accepting donations

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