Monday, November 25, 2019

Our Rock Star was Mya.

Mya shared some incredible flags today, Her Mom is from St. Vincent, her Dad is from Jamaica and she is from Canada. Wow, what a wonderful origin, Mya. Here and her Mom and Dad speak English in their home. She was named by her Mom and Grandma. Did you know her name means, Great One? Neat. A favourite family tradition is Christmas Baking-that sounds like delicious fun. 

Welcome back after a long weekend, kinders. Students enjoyed signing in by finding their name on the attendance rock. After our community circle of sharing our emotions we headed off to new learning tables. This week, students will be working on representing numbers 1-5. Students will subitize, represent with manipulatives on a five frame, print the numeral and show how many fingers. Students are continuing their work on 2 and 3 element patterns. Geoboards were a big hit. Students are working on making basic shapes, letters and numbers using elastics and geoboards. At our writing table, students worked on drawing healthy foods and using their knowledge of letters and sounds to label their pictures with initial letter sounds. WOW!!! Impressive steps towards beginning the writing process.

We enjoyed some fresh air outside today. We are going to the library regularly on Mondays. Please send your child's two library books back when you are finished so they can sign out two more.

Students worked on the letter Gg today. Proper letter formation and writing words was a big focus today. Students continue to work on their drawing and colouring as well.

Kayley, Mya, Ryder and Olivia share their letter Gg work. 

Letter Gg work in Mrs. Johnston's class. Great.
Tomorrow is our food impact!!!We are so excited for our healthy food presentation and special snack. Please feel free to send an extra snack for your child in case they are still hungry.

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