Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Our Rockstar of the Day, Zach did a tremendous job of sharing the origin of his name, family traditions, culture and family members. His page will be the very first piece of our classroom quilt. 
Zach is Canadian and speaks English. His Mom, Dad and brother, Connor, are a family. Zach was named by his Mom and Dad. A family tradition is going to a hockey game. 

Textures, textures everywhere. Students enjoyed exploring textures this morning. We used words to describe our bins of textures:





  • Fluffy
  • Soft
  • Bumpy
  • Slimy
  • Smooth
  • Rough
  • Hard
  • Pokey
Students then chose one item and shared how it feels and what it reminds them. 
  • My glass bead is hard like a rock. (Ethan)
  • My seashell is smooth like sand.(Scarlett)
  • My glass bead is hard as a rock. (Zach)
  • My rock is hard like another rock.(Max)
  • My rock is hard like a table. (Mya)
  • My feather is soft as a cotton tail. (Kayley)
  • My feather is soft like a bird. (Olivia)
  • My pine cone is pokey like teeth. (Griffin)
We were able to sort even more items for our Veterans Food Bank today. Thank you to our families for the generous donations. Students then illustrated how they helped to solve the problem of not enough food. Students worked on adding detail to their pictures, background detail and appropriate colours. 

Upcoming on November 26 is our healthy food impact snack day. We will send home more information next week. Each class will require two parent volunteers to help prepare the food and assist students in making their healthy snack. Please email me if you are interested. It would be from 8:10am-11:00am. 

  • Friday is PM kindergarten (no school for AM kindergarten)

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