Wednesday, November 13, 2019

I Am Unique.

Our Rockstar of the day was Scarlett.
Scarlett shared her family history, culture and traditions with us today. She is Canadian and speaks English in her home with her Mom, Dad and sister, Grace. Her favourite family tradtion is getting FROYO (frozen yogurt) together as a family.  Awesome family, Rockstar Scarlett.

This morning during circle time, we shared our gifts and talents and how they make us unique.

  • I can wakeboard (Ivy)
  • I play hockey (Zach)
  • I play toys (Ethan)
  • I play hockey, I can stop backwards (Griffin)
  • I snowboard (Mya)
  • I can do a cartwheel (Olivia)
  • I can do somersault (Scarlett)
  • I can do a backflip on a trampoline (Max)
  • I can do a backflip on the grass (Liam)
  • I can do a forward roll (Harriet)
  • I play hockey (Phoenix)
  • I can ride a quad (Ryder)
  • I dirtbike (Brett)
  • I can do a cartwheel (Carlos)

Students began to make connections with their classmates to see what is the same and different between them.

Students celebrated World Kindness Day. We talked about ways to show kindness to others in the classroom.

  • Share (Zach, Brett)
  • Be nice(Scarlett)
  • Smile (Zach)
  • Share toys (Griffin)
  • Build something (Mya)
  • Buy something (Ethan)
  • Help solve a problem (Kayley)
Six students were recognized for extra special acts of kindness this morning:
  • Carlos: Independently helping someone clean up their mess from cutting.
  • Kayley: Using kind words and her manners to students in our class.
  • Mya: Using kind words and including others.
  • Olivia: Showing kindness and sharing.
  • Harriet: Playing nicely and using kind words.
  • Griffin: Helping others clean up without being asked, using manners.
Thank your for showing extra special kindness on World Kindness Day, friends. 
Today, students worked on representing the length of their foot using snap cubes. Students traced their shoe and then measured it using snap cubes. We compared our shoe length with others in the class. We shared using words, longer and shorter. Students were challenged to find a friend with a different foot length by comparing snap cube towers and then share if their foot is longer or shorter than their friend. 


  • No school for AM kinders on Friday
  • Book orders due Wednesday, November 20
  • Our class needs two parent volunteers for our Food Impact Snack Day: Nov. 26: 8am-11am

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