Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Food Bank Sorting

Today kindergarten sorted the items we received for the Veterans Food Bank. We sorted into boxed items, cans, bags and other. Each student had the opportunity to select an item and place it into the appropriate group. We created a graph to represent the number of items we collected. Students coloured in the graph and then we talked about which group had the most and the least. We shared ideas of other items we could bring for the foodbank. Amazing job, mathematicians.

Students began their new learning tables today. Students will be working on letters and sounds through loose parts, colouring poppies using our colouring rubric, subitizing and counting up to 10 and down to 0 from various starting points and finally, students will use tongs to select bubblegums for specified numerals on a bubblegum machine.


  • Class Photos tomorrow
  • Donations for the Veterans Food Bank are being accepted all week
  • Remembrance Day Assembly on Friday
  • No School Monday November 11

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