Thursday, October 24, 2019

Where Am I???

Our Rockstar today was Decklan. 
Decklan absolutely loves to spell. He sure knows his letters and he can spell some incredible words. His favourites to spell all by himself are: Dreamworks Animation, MegaMind and MetroManMuseum. Decklan shared his favourite letters to spell with today. We saw pictures of Decklan spelling words on the counter in his kitchen. Wowzers, what a great talent. Way to go, Rockstar Decklan. 
Today kinders completed their last patterning table, we are becoming real experts. Students enjoyed gym class, circle time learning with patterns, subitizing and letters. 


Today students shared their ideas on how we can make our drawings look even better. Students were challenged to add details and background to their pictures. Mrs. Johnston did a demonstration of how background changes a picture and tells us all about what is happening. Students chose their favourite activity and made a pose pretending to do this activity. They were challenged to draw in background detail to show where they are, the weather outside, the things around themselves. WOW, way to go superstars. 






  • Tomorrow is no school for AM kindergarten
  • Oct. 31 is Halloween, dress in pajamas or a costume
  • Pumpkin donations are now being accepted to all kindergarten classes for investigation, learning activities and exploration. 

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