Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Patterns Patterns Everywhere

Our Rockstar was Ethan.
Ethan's favourite activity is to play with his transformers. His favourite is Bumblebee, he got it from his Grandma. He keeps all of his transformers in a bin. He is hoping for an orange one to add to his collection. Very cool, Rockstar Ethan.
Today students continued their patterning table work and we shared in a smartboard pattern activity. Students are working to demonstrated their understanding of repeating patterns (two or three elements) by identifying, reproducing, extending, creating using manipulatives, sounds and actions.

Today students completed an activity to show what they know regarding patterns. Please see this assessment in their backpacks today. Students were asked to reproduce, extend and create a pattern; based on all of the table time and patterning activities we have been working on the past month. This allows parents the opportunity to see where their child is at in their understanding of patterns. We have used the scoring guide that aligns with the EYE (early years evaluation): green square: independent,  yellow circle: with support, red triangle: not able to this yet. Please review this activity with your child.

 Patterning at home is a great way to practice. You can use movement: jump-jump-clap, manipulatives: marshmellow-fishie-marshmallow-fishie, painting, stamps, drawing, shapes...anything you can think of can be lots of fun.

Students enjoyed  cooperating with a group of classmates to complete a puzzle.


  • no school for AM kinders this week
  • Oct. 31 is Halloween: dress in a costume or in your pajamas

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