Monday, October 28, 2019

Marvelous Monday

Our Rockstar today was Carlos.

Carlos loves to play with his dinosaur. He keeps it in a top drawer. It is his only dinosaur and it even has a mouth that opens and closes. Carlos drew a picture of his dinosaur to share with the class. He brought in drawings that his family members drew too. Wow, awesome dinosaur, Rockstar Carlos.
Today was a great opportunity to recognize changes in weather and ways people adapt. Students identified items they need to wear to stay warm in this cold weather. Toque, mittens, jacket and boots were certainly the common items identified. Please help your child to practice getting dressed/undressed with their winter gear. 

New learning tables have taken on a Halloween theme this week. Students will represent the numbers 4, 7, 9 and 10 by creating pumpkins on a vine using fingerprints. Students will recognize the numerals 1 -5 and follow a colouring guide to colour a haunted house. Using Halloween pictures, students are extending two and three element patterns. Students are working on their proper pencil grip and fine motor skills to colour a jack-o-lantern picture. Using their colouring rubric will help them create a masterpiece.


Today we learned the letter Ee and practiced letter formation. After brainstorming letter Ee words, students completed a guided drawing of an elephant. Incredible job. Excellent Elephants, indeed.

Carlos, Ryder, Phoenix and Sydney share their Excellent Elephant Ee work.

Ee work. 


  • Book orders are due tomorrow
  • Thursday is costume/pajama day
  • Friday is no school for New Brighton students
  • November 4-15 is the Veterans Food Drive (more info to come)

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