Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Our Rockstar of the Day was Brett.
Brett shared his favourite activity of dirt biking. He drew an awesome picture and brought in his shoulder pads that keep him safe while riding his dirt bike. Brett started dirtbiking at 3 years old. He never gets scared and he's never fallen off. His favourite part of dirtbiking is going over jumps. Wow, super cool Rockstar Brett.
Students enjoyed learning tables this morning. Magic rock, jumping and hopping was lots of fun in Gym class with Ms. Nanavaty. 

Today we revisited our conversation about needs and wants. We remembered how not having enough food can be a problem. We identified the food bank as a great idea to collect food to share with others. Students shared ideas that may or may not be suitable to keep in a box while we collect more. Scarlett shared, "Fruit and vegetables would get squished and be disgusting". We all agreed. We brainstormed ideas for items that wouldn't get squished, go bad, don't need a fridge and could be found in our pantry. 
  • crackers (Mya)
  • pantry items, beans, tuna (Griffin)
  • chocolate chips , tomatoe sauce, jelly (Sydney)
  • granola bars, honey (Zach)
  • cereal, sugar (Brett)
  • noodles, popcorn (Scarlett)
  • pickles, olives (Ryder)
  • spaghetti (Mya)
  • sugar (Harriet)
  • peanut butter (Liam)
  • baking soda (Kayley)
We spoke about people who need the help of a foodbank and students learned about Veterans. We learned that a Veteran is a person who has helped keep our country safe. Veterans are can be boys or girls, old or young. Kindergarten is taking on the initiative of the Veterans Food Bank.

We decided that making posters could tell people about the food bank. Students drew a box and cut and pasted some appropriate items to go in a food bank. Their posters are off to a great start; more to add tomorrow. Working in a group was lots of fun. This involved communication, sharing, teamwork and patience. After our posters, we made some actions and words to remind us of appropriate food bank items, "No fruits and vegetables because they go bad. We need boxes, cans, bags and jars." 

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