Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Sorting Food

Our Rockstar today was Owen.
Owen shared his special hot wheels car today because he loves playing cars. He keeps this special car in his car bucket at home. He plays cars with his brother. Whoa, very cool, Rockstar Owen.
How can I share with people in other groups?

How can I contribute, or help, a group in a community, like the Veterans?

Today students explored the idea of how we can share what we have with people in other groups. We revisited our discussion of basic needs and how not meeting those can be a problem. Students reviewed items that would be suitable for a food bank donation. This included being aware of perishable (can go bad) and non perishable (last a long time) food.

Students were challenged to sort a set of pictures based on food that will last a long time and would make a good food bank donation and food that might be healthy but would not last in a food bank donation. Students were given an assortment of pictures including boxed, canned, bagged or packaged food and fresh food. They were asked to sort these into good for a donation and not so good. After sorting, students added to their posters appropriate food bank donations. Students were asked to speak to their choices. Why or why not for items they chose.

We received a pumpkin donation from our friend Max. Thanks so much Max. We talked about shape, colour, size and weight. Students drew the pumpkin and traced it with sharpie (our first sharpie experience...eeek). It went great (phew). Students coloured with real colours looking at our class pumpkin and then did a blue wash for a dark night sky. Wow, they look amazing. Way to go, kinders.

Halloween is tomorrow. We invite students to wear their costume or pajamas. How fun. Dismissal tomorrow is 11:45am.

Reminder there is no school on Friday.

See you tomorrow in your costumes or pajamas. We will be dismissed at 11:45am.

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