Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Welcome Back

Rockstar of the Day, Max.
Max's favourite activity is playing with toys. He especially loves his Pikachu toy. He keeps this in his room.
He got it from his mom. It is his favourite toy. Very cool, Rockstar Max.

How wonderful to see all of our kindergarten friends back after a long weekend. Students began their day with a community circle. We shared the importance of family and how we all contribute to our family and to our school community. 

Students began their new learning tables today. Throughout the week students will explore the idea of a community and who are the people in a community. This includes, Police Officers, FireFighters, Doctors, Dentist, Farmers, Librarians etc. Students are exploring the roles of these community helpers through puzzles and felt pieces to create and explore. Subitizing, using dots on the dice, is telling students how many eyes to put on their monster. Great job counting out googly eyes, kinders. Students are continuing to create patterns and were challenged to create a pattern while counting out the correct number of beads. Fine motor skills were put to the test to put these patterns onto the pipecleaner. 

Hooray for Hh. Students learned a new rhyme and song for the letter Hh today. Brainstorming items that begin with the letter Hh was lots of fun. Students continue to work on using basic shapes to draw. We used circles, half circles, and straight lines to draw hearts, hamburgers, hats, happy faces and heads. Students were working to copy letters in some of these words. 

Sydney, Max, Kayley and Harriet share their letter Hh work. Hooray, friends. 

Kindergarten letter Hh work. 

  • tomorrow is picture day: bring your best smile
  • Friday is AM kindergarten

Center time is always a hit. We were working on sharing, cooperation and speaking kindly to others. 

In all of our kindergarten classes we have been examining what makes us unique individuals. Have a conversation with your child about gifts and talents. 
  • What are your gifts, interests, talents and special characteristics?   
  • How do your gifts, interests, talents and characteristics make you a unique individual?  

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