Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Say Cheese

Rockstar, LIAM
Our friend, Liam loves to ride his green and black bike. He rides everywhere in the city. Liam has a very special dirtbike toy he loves to play with. His Mom and Dad gave it to him and he keeps it in his room. Very cool, Rockstar, Liam,
Kindergarten had their very fist photo day today-they brought their best hairdos and awesome smiles: parents you will be impressed. 

We had a visit to the library and will be going on Mondays moving forward. When you have shared your child's book with them please send them back anytime.

Today we discussed needs and was very impressive how quickly these smart cookies caught onto the concept of needs. We had a discussion and did some brainstorming of things we need to survive. We identified problems that may occur if we didn't have these things. We shared in a smartboard learning activity where students had to drag the item to the, Needs box, or, Wants Box. Students used a sentence to explain their item. "I need shoes." or "I want toys". 

Students were challenged to learn all of the basic needs. We created actions and practiced them in small groups.

We need food. (They are eating)

We need shelter.

We need water. (Drinking motion)

We need air (breathing in and out)

We need clothes.

We then had A LOT of fun sharing our wants.
  • I want a sword (Liam)
  • I want a video game (Zach)
  • A princess dress (Harriet)
  • A video game-a barbie one (Scarlett)
  • To play basketball (Ryder)
  • A nerf gun (Brett)
  • I want a doll that eats stuff and chews, it has a diaper (Kayley)
  • I want a video game-minecraft (Griffin)
  • I want a more transformers (Ethan)
  • I want a bunny, a real one (Ivy)
  • A race car, a toy and it should be purple (Sydney)
  • A video game, minecraft (Max)
  • I want a barbie that eats and walks in the dollhouse (Mya)
  • An Elsa dress (Olivia)
  • I want a new Toyota 4 Runner... a white one (haha)-Mrs. Johnston 
Following our discussion and circle activity, students put their fine motor skills to the test to cut out basic needs and wants pictures. They were challenged to glue these into their books in the Needs box or Wants box. Kinders were incredible. Way to go. Ask your child to tell you what their basic needs are (and I'm pretty sure they can tell you lots of wants too;)

Students continued with their learning tables which provided lots of opportunity for discussion with classmates and Mrs. Johnston.

We are going on a leaf hunt on Friday. We will be walking in the field and on the path to collect different types of leaves so we can sort, group, patter, count and create artwork. Please ensure your child is dressed for the weather on Friday for our leaf exploration walk. We are going to walk to the park for our fresh air break while leaf hunting. 

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