Thursday, October 17, 2019

Thrilling Thursday

Our Rockstar was Kayley.
Kayley loves to go to the lake. She loves boating, fishing and tubing. Kayley drew an incredible picture to share with her friends. Kayley brought in some very special photos of her participating in all of these fun lake activities. Students enjoyed looking at her photos and asking questions. Way to go, Rockstar Kayley.
Students enjoyed their learning tables today. We are in the routine of entering the school and hanging
backpacks and coats, putting on indoor shoes and going right into our learning. Way to go, Kinders.

Reviewing needs and wants was lots of fun. Using whole body learning supported with words and rhymes helped us to remember our basic needs. Students were challenged to write words to tell one thing they need. Basic needs were listed on the white board and students selected one word to copy and then connected this word with a corresponding drawing. After discussing and sharing wants, students were asked to choose one thing they want and draw a picture. Students were challenged to write a letter of a sound they heard in their item. Some students were able to write the first letter sound. Some wrote the last sound. With modeling to make the sounds some students were spelling words. Everyone experimented with text today which is the first step in writing. WOW, I am so proud of my kindergarten students. 

Scarlett, Owen, Zach and Ethan share their needs and wants. 

We all have needs and wants. 
Tomorrow we are walking to the park and collecting leaves as we identify signs of fall. Please ensure your child has appropriate footwear. Toque and mittens are helpful and can always be taken off if it gets warm. Thanks so much in advance for helping make this outing a success for your child. 

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