Friday, October 18, 2019

Fall Walk Friday

Our Rockstar was Ivy.
Ivy shared her special blanket that she got from her mom. She keeps it in her room and sleeps with it. It is very special, soft and cuddly. She also shared her favourite activity which is wake surfing at the lake. Very cool, Rockstar Ivy.

Students enjoyed finishing up their learning tables today-great job, Kinders. 


Students practiced counting one to ten and ten to one. We practiced representing numbers using finger painting to show numbers.

Our fall walk was a big success. Students enjoyed finding signs of fall on our community walk to the park. Playing at the park was lots of fun. How fun to make new friends and enjoy the fall weather.





Collecting leaves was such fun on our walk back to the school. Students found and compared leaf shapes, colours and sizes. The excitement was fantastic.





Upon returning to the school, students enjoyed a snack and talk about, Leaf Man. Students used leaves to create themselves as a leaf person-including a head, body, arms and legs. What a gluey fun opportunity to work with new materials to express ideas.

  • Friday Oct. 25 is PM kindergarten (No classes for AM students)
  • October 31 is 11:45am dismissal: wear a costume or pajamas

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