Thursday, October 10, 2019

I Am Thankful.

Rockstar, Mya.
Mya loves to ride her bike and be with her family.
Today we reviewed begin unique and the best part of ourselves. We talked about all of the things we are thankful for. We listened to the book, I Am Thankful.
  • Griffin: my family and meadows
  • Ethan: my feet
  • Ryder: my legs
  • Brett: Pets
  • Kayley: the sunset
  • Max: sunsets and friends
We shared who lives in our house with us and talked about how families are different but no matter what they are special. Students drew themselves using their knowledge of drawing with basic shapes. Students were encouraged to add detail to their drawings including hair, eyes, clothes and background. Today's challenge was to label their drawings. Students were encouraged to try to write the names of people in their family beside their drawings. Even identifying the first letter is a great start. Way to go, Kinders. 

Mya, Griffin, Carlos and Brett are thankful for their families.

We are so grateful to have such wonderful families. 
Students enjoyed gym class, snack and center time today. We finished up our last learning table too. 

Reminder that there is no school tomorrow or Monday. I look forward to seeing all of my kindergarten friends on Tuesday, October 15. 

Wishing all my kindergarten students and their families a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have such a wonderful group of students. Thank you for the opportunity to work with your child. 

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