Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Best Part of Me

Rockstar of the Day: OLIVIA
Olivia loves her Elmo toy. She got it on her very first Christmas. This little guy sings and moves his mouth which is a big hit. Olivia keeps Elmo in her toybox. Very cool toy, Rockstar Olivia. 
Students are exploring their citizenship and identity. Today we read the book, The Best Part of Me, and shared things that make us special and unique. Students chose the best part of themselves and shared why this is the best part.

  • Liam: My eyes. I see my Grandma and Grandpa.
  • Zach: My eyes. I can see my friends.
  • Olivia: My eyes because I can see.
  • Carlos: My mouth so I can talk. 
  • Brett: I like my knees. I can run.
  • Max: My head. I can think about stuff.
  • Mya: I like my feet because I can run super fast.
  • Ivy: My feet. I can use them to play soccer.
  • Ryder: My legs because I play basketball.
  • Ethan: My hands because I can throw a basketball in a net.
  • Kayley: I like my eyes because I can see.
  • Deckan: Hands. I can make rainbows.
  • Sydney: My mouth. I can eat. 
  • Griffin: My feet. I play hockey and I can skate and stop.
  • Harriet: My eyes because I can see.
  • Phoenix: I like my head because I can think with my brain. 

Sharing how characteristics make us special and unique is important as we begin to see ourselves as being our own person as well as a member of our community at school. We are working to show interest and sensitivity towards others.

Students worked on drawing themselves today. In kindergarten, students use drawings to tell about their ideas and experiences. Learning to draw real people with all body parts is important. After a demonstration, students worked to draw themselves including a head, body, arms, legs, feet and hands. Adding special features, like hair, eye colour and favourite colour clothes helped to make our drawings unique. Using basic shapes is a great way to start any drawing. 
Mya, Max, Harriet and Olivia share their incredible drawings using basic shapes. Way to go. 

Check out these drawings of our class-we are looking good.

Learning tables continued....

  • no school Friday, October 11 for all New Brighton students

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