Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Let's Make a Pattern

Fall is an exciting time as we look at how plants and animals change and adapt. Falling leaves, (and snowstorms) are a sign of fall. We used our knowledge and experience of patterns to create our own patterns using colours and leaf shapes. Students were challenged to think about the shape of their leaves as well as the colour. Everyone shared their pattern with a friend or Mrs. Johnston and we had to extend the pattern by telling what would come next. Way to go, Kinders. 

Carlos, Ivy, Ethan Liam share their fall patterns. 

Beautiful Fall Patterns
Students enjoyed entered and going to their learning tables independently. They began their learning task and enjoyed sharing their achievements.

We reviewed ways to stay healthy. Washing our hands, eating healthy food, exercising, drinking water and sharing our feelings are all ways to stay healthy. We shared in a fabulous book about avoiding germs.

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