Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Totally Terrific Time Today

Our Rockstar of the day was Scarlett.
Our friend, Scarlett, loves to play with her stuffies. She especially loves her Minion because he is snuggly and fun to sleep with. Her minion stays on her bed and in her room. 
Students enjoyed learning about the letter Tt. Ask you child to make the /t/ sound, share our rhyme about a triceratops and sing you the tennis song. Students brainstormed words that start with the letter Tt. They practiced letter formation, top to bottom, for both uppercase and lowercase letters. Students are working on drawing using basic shapes. Today we used basic shapes to draw Tt words: train (rectangles and circles), turtle (half circle) and toast (square). Students are working on colouring inside the lines with real colours and no white showing. Taking a chance to write letters and words for our drawings was encouraged to all of our Kinders today. Way to go!

Olivia, Mya, Max and Brett share their letter Tt work. Wow! Totally Terrific.

Letter Tt work.

  • photo day forms came home today (Photos Oct. 16)
  • Movie night order forms came home today
  • Scholastic came home today: Check out the online option and register for an account where you can order under Mrs. Johnston online. Or send cash to the school with your order form. Orders are due Tuesday, October 8.
  • Friday October 4 is PM kinders (no class for AM students)
  • Friday October 11 is a non-instructional day-no school for all of New Brighton


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