Rockstar Ryder
Kindergarten shared with their classmates how they are different in appearance to their classmates. We shared how being different, and looking different makes us all very special.
- I have blond hair (Scarlett)
- I have black hair (Zach)
- I have blonde hair (Griffin)
- I have brown eyes (Mya)
- I have blue eyes (Ethan)
- I have green eyes (Ivy)
- I have freckles (Harriet)
Students used mirrors to look at their special features and share their observations with their classmates. We compared which eye colour had the most kids, which had the least. We had the most blue eyes and the least green eyes in our class. We had the most blonde hair and the least black hair. We are all UNIQUE.
I can tell about my physical characteristics and how they make me Unique.
I can listen to others.
I can talk to others about my physical features.
I can ask questions to my classmates about their hair colour and eye colour.
I can draw, record and tell about my eye colour and hair colour.
Students practiced their printing skills by copying onto their sentence strip their eye colour and hair colour. Students practiced pointing to each word as they read their sentence aloud. Way to go, Rockstar Readers.
We spoke about how we can take our time and use basic shapes to draw. We drew our eyes, mouth and nose and used real colours to show how we look. What a good looking class. Way to go, amazing artists.
- No School for AM kindergarten tomorrow (PM only)
- Tuesday October 8, 2019 is our due date for scholastic
- Friday October 11, 2019: No school for New Brighton Students
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