Thursday, September 12, 2019

Thrilling Thursday

Kindergarten is well underway as AM have their first week under their belts!  Kindergarten worked on treating others with respect. We began to explore what to do if something happens we don't like, how to ask for help and how together we can find a solution. 

Students participated in the shared reading of our poem, Everybody Has a Name. Students practiced finding their first names and independently going to their morning learning table. Students enjoyed finding their name on the smartboard today.

During our morning meeting, students enjoyed learning how to subitize (recognize at a glance) familiar arrangements of 1-5 dots. We practiced the number sequence 1-10. 

Looking for ideas at home:

  • have your child write their name, use scissors to cut out paper to decorate their name
  • practice counting toys, food, and objects at home
  • talk about signs and symbols we see in our community

A reminder that tomorrow is no school for AM kindergarten. Please see the New Brighton calendar for specific dates. 
           Our school webpage will have the calendar and you can find Mrs. Johnston's Kindergarten Blog.  

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