Wednesday, September 11, 2019

What's In a Name?

Kindergarten are enjoying their name poem and learning the names of others in their class. Recognizing their name and their beginning letter has been great fun. Students listened to a story, Chrysanthemum. We talked about respecting others, even when they are different. We shared some ideas of how to support others if they are sad:

  • be nice (Scarlett)
  • say something kind (Ivy)
  • share (Zach)
  • help them (Sydney)
We talked about if things go wrong in our lives, don't go well, if we need help or things don't go as planned. We identified people in the school who can help, those in the community and those at home. Students shared who lives in their house and how they help each other. Everyone had the opportunity to draw their family and share with their teacher and table group. 

Mrs. Johnston's Kindergarten Families.

Up and Coming:
  • no school for AM kindergarten this week
  • please book a conference online to meet with Mrs. Johnston next week
  • no school Thursday September 19 and Friday September 20 (due to conferences)

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