Our new learning tables opened up this morning. Students will have the opportunity to complete all four tables by the end of the week. Students are working on recognizing their first name and writing using a capital letter and then lower case letters. Using a whiteboard to practice was a real hit. Students worked on fine motor strengthening at the lacing table. Using small blocks to outline the letters in their name was a challenge as students identified the types of lines they saw in their names. Some had straight and some had curvy. Finally, students worked on their pencil grip and ability to colour inside the lines while identifying various shapes. Way to go, Kinders.
- flip it over and use the back (Mya)
- get new paper (Sydney)
- paint over top of it (Ryder)
Students participated in a shared reading of, Beautiful Oops. We realized that mistakes or potential problems can turn into opportunities for creativity. Students then used their imaginations to turn those coffee stains into something new. It's not a coffee stain, it's a...
- bell (Liam)
- A trampoline (Max)
- Me hunting with my Dad and buddy. (Griffin)
- A Transformer (Phoenix)
- A body. (Owen)
- Fruit (Ethan)
- People (Kayley)
- Supports for a slide (Ryder)
- A lobster (Mya)
- A pumpkin (Carlos)
- A waterslide (Brett)
- Sunglasses (Zach)
- My Family (Olivia)
- Flowers (Scarlett)
- Lady Bugs (Sydney)
- Tires (Ivy)
Students used lines and shapes to draw their ideas and added colour. Come and see this creative artwork at conferences this week.
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