Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Terrific Tuesday

Students enjoyed settling into their learning tables.

We reviewed our beginning letter for our names today. We wrote our names on a ten frame; using only one box per letter. We coloured our ten frame in a pattern. We found friends in our class with the same number of letters in their name. We learned that one friend in our class has 8 letters; Scarlett. We learned that three friends have 3 letters in their name, Mya, Max and Ivy. We talked about longer and shorter.

Students enjoyed gym class playing magic rock and moving in different levels in different modes of locomotion in their own space. We look forward to the Terry Fox run tomorrow around the pond. We will be sharing in a school wide assembly at 9am and running afterwards. 

Center time is always a favourite time for kindergarten children. Learning to share, take turns, cooperate and interact with others through play is very enjoyable.  Today we opened the sand table. Everyone will have an opportunity to try this new center throughout the week. We are enjoying our family house, light tables, and sand table as our big centers this month. 


  • Wednesday: Terry Fox Assembly (9am) and run to follow
  • Friday: AM kindergarten attends

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