Thursday, September 26, 2019

Loving Life and Learning Lots

Kindergarten are just loving their learning. Today we focused on the letter Ll. We sang our jolly phonics song about licking our lollipop! Ask your child to sing it to you and share the actions. We did a chant about a lazy lion. Ask your child to say it for you. After using our magic markers to write the letter Ll we put our fine motor skills to the test. Students wrote upper case and lower case Ll letters. We brainstormed items in our classroom and words we know that make the /l/ sound. Students made their best efforts to draw a lollipop, leaf and line. Many students accepted the challenge to write the words for their pictures. Way to go, Kinders. 

Students enjoyed singing their fall poem. After reciting our Name poem, students enjoyed sharing the number of letters in their name and colouring a pattern of their choice beside their name. They coloured the number of blocks that corresponded with the number of letters in their name.

Center time was a great hit today. Students are enjoying the sand table, light table and center bins.

Learning tables wrapped up today. Students each had a turn at every table to work on mathematics and literacy. Tomorrow students will enjoy finishing painting a pattern on their name and selecting their own learning table.

Our Rock Star of the Day is coming. Please refer to your schedule and remember to have your child to select one special item to share with the class. This item should fit into their backpack. Be sure to send along their picture of themselves doing an activity they enjoy. Practicing at home is a wonderful way to build self-confidence.


  • Friday is AM kindergarten - see you all tomorrow, friends
  • Rock Star of the Day begins Monday 

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